About Us

TekLim is here to provide you the edge you need to mobilize resources, measure & manage the projects that matter most. .

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About us

TekLim Ltd is an innovative, social enterprise and capacity-building organization based in Lira, Northern Uganda.
through research we are able to develop new products, lead in the roll-out of the new product in aiding community development and transformation, during the roll-out, build capacity for sustainability and ensuring the quality of services to our clients.

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The biggest questions of development have never been answered easily, precisely, or arguably at all. Yet every day, governments, NGOs, and private organizations struggle to determine the best way forward using every resource available. With access to the latest information and cutting-edge research tools, the most knowledgeable development experts work tirelessly to improve the living situations for millions of underserved, poorest by targeting and improving upon all manner of indicators, from environmental assessments to behavioral motivators, and practices for improved quality of life, focusing on; Health, Education, Livelihoods and Environmental conservation.

Relief, development, and advocacy actors, have been trying to affect change by the flows of funding, rapidly changing situations, tasking donor demands, and more. The opportunity for development actors to settle in and develop their own direct connections with target populations. However, in places like Uganda, ongoing human conflicts exacerbated by limited natural resources, creates extremely difficult environments for relief workers and development practitioners to operate in.

In this particular difficult country, where; crisis actors, development agencies, and private enterprises need information and resources that isn’t always readily accessible. From resources mobilization, baseline assessments to end-term evaluations and more, local monitoring and evaluation teams can step in to provide crucial feedback to organizations, providing information that allows them to make the most well-informed decisions possible. This is where having a trusted partner can make all the difference for your organization.


To Learn and develop products that meet client needs, satisfaction, and transformation in Uganda  


To be the leading product developer, meeting clients’ needs and satisfaction


To produce for clients’ needs and satisfaction  

Our Approach

Our approach is practical, creative and collaborative. We listen and integrate the vast experiences of our clients as we work together to find practical solutions to professional challenges in a dynamic development situation. Our focus is on clients’ needs for practical solutions with excellent results. We maintain a core team of experts who offer technical knowledge, insights and expertise. We ensure tight quality control, value for money, and the best results for all our assignments. We conduct effective and robust research, evaluations, and surveys coupled with precise statistical analyses to provide clients with the decisive and clear answers they require.

Our team is collaborative by nature, but our experts are also able to independently design comprehensive studies to provide answers to your organization’s questions. Should you have your own research experts, we are happy to collaborate on study design, or we can simply execute a project per your organization’s guidelines and requests. If you have specific questions about our technical capacities, please contact us today at [email protected]

Overview of TekLim

TekLim unites a network of professionals with extensive hands-on experience managing and implementing a diverse array of research, development, and capacity building assignments in the region. Our experts bring to the table years of collective knowledge executing comprehensive project cycle, and capacity support, monitoring and evaluation, and are well well-versed in the highest industry standards for ethical research, development and capacity building.

TekLim offers development actors a clear, precise view of dynamic situations that would otherwise remain obscure. Our research, and reporting provide data, analysis, and synthesis that empowers key actors to make the most well-informed decisions possible, enabling them to effectively answer the uniquely challenging questions facing actors; governments, NGOs, and private entities today.


Healthcare and promotion

Education and sports

Peace building and SGBV

livelihood, food security and job creation

Environmental and climate justice

Key Focus Areas and Strengths

With management and support teams in our northern Ugandan offices overseeing field operations in two (2) field strategic locations across northern Uganda, TekLim is placed well to respond swiftly to days pressing learning needs in northern Uganda and beyond.  Our total sphere of operations is northern Uganda and Uganda.


Within Northern Uganda, two strategically placed sub-office locations each host an independent team of highly-trained field experts that can be rapidly deployed to any city, village, or rural area. Our chief competitive advantage is our ability to reach every corner of the country to conduct learning, avail affordable products, and enable better performance, in all of Uganda; Northern, North Western, and North Eastern.  TekLim maintains a staff of nearly all field experts throughout our sub-offices, and within these ranks are representatives of the country’s myriad dialects, diverse cultures, and vast sub-regions, allowing us access to the entire country.  We invest heavily in our staff members, as we understand that they maintain the key to our success. They are regularly trained, updated, and incentivized to perform at the highest levels.


At the management level, TekLim bases staff in all the field offices in Uganda.  As such, we are always prepared to deliver results with an emphasis on quality, punctuality, sensitivity, and mutual understanding of goals. Whether in the realm of infrastructure, Health, Education, Livelihoods, Environmental conservation, and governance, TekLim has the expertise to execute the project you require.

Description of Services

Research & Analysis

Our company, at its core, is a specialized research firm with a strong focus, from standard project evaluations, to baseline, midterm, and end-term assessments, our field monitors and analysts are prepared to deliver comprehensive data sets and rigorous analyses in accordance with your needs.

Capacity Building

Beginning with a capacity assessment, our capacity building services help NGOs, public sector, and private sector actors develop their operational capacity and reach in a variety of ways. Whether in the realm of; funders research, resources mobilization, programming, finance & governance, procurement, or human resource building and management, TekLim has the organizational expertise to help your organization maximize its presence, services, and efficiency.

Development of projects

Livelihood, health, education

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Capacity buillding
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Our team

Breakfast procuring nay end happiness allowance assurance frankness. Met simplicity nor difficulty
unreserved who. Entreaties mr conviction dissimilar me astonished.
Okire Ambrose

Okire Ambrose

Winnifred Atim

Winnifred Atim

Project Manger
Joan Anena

Joan Anena

Parish Linkage Assistant
Sandra Achan

Sandra Achan

Events Officer

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